Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Vizu: Beyond Clicks

How do you test online ads and go beyond just counting "clicks"?

A huge question that the ad industry and ad research biz are grappling with right now.

In just the past month, Nielsen, comScore (Mediametrix) and Compete have launched new online ad testing services that are supposed to solve the problem. Perhaps, they are reacting to a hot (and well financed) new entry into this market called Vizu.

Vizu, (www.vizu.com) a San Francisco-based online polling company, recently introduced
Ad Catalyst, an online ad testing service that goes beyond their competitors' static approach.
Ad Catalyst measures your online ads in real-time and breaks down your campaign's effectiveness by frequency of exposure, time period, creative unit, etc. and puts the info at your fingertips 24/7 (on a real "dashboard").

Monday, February 25, 2008


Imagine a Virtual 3-D New York City where you can fly through like SuperMan and drop into any building and view its contents.

UpNext is a tiny 4-person NY startup developing extremely detailed 3D maps for the internet browser. UpNext (www.upnext.com) only maps Manhattan right now (they aim to map Boston and San Francisco by mid 2008), but it is "a powerful demonstration of how 3-D experiences could soon become more mainstream". (from TechCrunch). BRUNI PR is currently pitching UpNext.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Aviary strips Hillary Clinton

Aviary was the highlight of this week's New York Tech Meetup. This Flash-based artist tool is amazing and won rave reviews from a tough technologist audience. We'll be hearing more about Aviary in the future, no doubt

Friday, February 01, 2008

Business Week: CEOs lose Billions

The top five CEOs lost over $1 billion during the past several wks, thx to the stock market drop, according to a major Business Week story released today. David Leach, of Strategic Apex Group, a Bruni PR client, is quoted. Who pitched BW on the idea? The answer is Bruni PR. Reporter Ben Steverman does an outstanding job in analyzing the damage done.

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